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Agile Software Development: A Case for Adequate Decision Support Tools.

, , , , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2011)

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The Impact of Cloud-Based Digital Transformation on ICT Service Providers' Strategies., , and . Bled eConference, page 42. (2017)The performance of recommender systems in online shopping: A user-centric study., and . Expert Syst. Appl., 40 (14): 5551-5562 (2013)Improving Decision Quality Through Preference Relaxation., and . DSS, volume 212 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 547-558. IOS Press, (2010)Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): A Viable Alternative for Irish e-Government., and . Bled eConference, page 6. (2013)Unstructured Knowledge Transfer in ICT Teams., , , and . J. Inf. Knowl. Manag., 9 (1): 15-30 (2010)Open Innovation as a Route to Value in Cloud Computing., and . Bled eConference, page 5. (2013)Value Creation And Capture With Cloud Computing: A Theoretical Framework., and . UKAIS, page 45. (2013)Towards a Toolset for Intranet Evaluation., , , , and . Bled eConference, page 14. (2009)Comparing Techniques for Preference Relaxation: A Decision Theory Perspective., and . EC-Web, volume 61 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, page 217-228. Springer, (2010)The Influence of Quality on E-Commerce Success: An Empirical Application of the Delone and Mclean IS Success Model., , and . IJEBR, 6 (1): 68-84 (2010)