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Why Disable the Autopilot?, , и . AutomotiveUI, стр. 247-257. ACM, (2018)Linking physical and virtual interaction spaces., , и . ICEC, Carnegie Mellon University, (2003)PATS: Realization and user evaluation of an automatic playlist generator., и . ISMIR, (2002)Do We Ruin the Moment? Exploring the Design of Novel Capturing Technologies., , , , и . OZCHI, стр. 653-661. ACM, (2015)What Would Margaret Atwood Do? Designing for Ustopia in HCI., , , и . MindTrek, стр. 72-80. ACM, (2021)ClassBeacons: Designing Distributed Visualization of Teachers-Physical Proximity in the Classroom., , , , и . TEI, стр. 357-367. ACM, (2018)Exploring peripheral interaction design for primary school teachers., , , и . TEI, стр. 245-252. ACM, (2012)Feeling-of-Safety Slider: Measuring Pedestrian Willingness to Cross Roads in Field Interactions with Vehicles., , , , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM, (2019)Distance-Dependent eHMIs for the Interaction Between Automated Vehicles and Pedestrians., , , , , , и . AutomotiveUI, стр. 192-204. ACM, (2020)Understanding the implications of social translucence for systems supporting communication at work, , , и . Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, стр. 649--658. ACM, (2008)