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Makroökonomik, , и . Internationale Standardlehrbücher der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Oldenbourg, München u.a., (1987)Introduction to macroeconomics, и . McGraw-Hill, New York u.a., (1983)Economics, , и . McGraw-Hill, London u.a., 4. rev. ed издание, (1994)Investment, the two-sector model and trade in debt and capital goods, и . Journal of International Economics, 2 (3): 211--233 (августа 1972)Is there a real-balance effect in equilibrium?. Journal of Monetary Economics, 8 (1): 25--39 (1981)Monetary rules and commodity money schemes under uncertainty. Journal of Monetary Economics, 17 (1): 21--35 (января 1986)Inventories, rational expectations, and the business cycle, и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 8 (3): 277--304 (1981)Macroeconomics, и . McGraw-Hill, New York u.a., (1978)Introduction to macroeconomics, , и . McGraw-Hill, New York u.a., 2. ed. издание, (1988)IMF essays from a time of crisis. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. u.a., (2004)