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Stability properties of a growth model, и . Economics Letters, 61 (1): 55--60 (01.10.1998)On B-robust instrumental variable estimation of the linear model with panel data, и . Journal of Econometrics, 106 (2): 297--324 (февраля 2002)Can waste improve welfare?, и . Journal of Public Economics, 77 (1): 45--79 (июля 2000)Implausible Results or Implausible Data?: Anomalies in the Construction of Value-Added Data and Implications for Estimates of Price-Cost Markups. Journal of Political Economy, 99 (6): 1315 (01.01.1991)doi: 10.1086/261802.Noise Trader Risk in Financial Markets, , , и . Journal of Political Economy, 98 (4): 703 (01.01.1990)doi: 10.1086/261703.