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How Good is 85%?: A Survey Tool to Connect Classifier Evaluation to Acceptability of Accuracy.

, , and . CHI, page 347-356. ACM, (2015)

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Are you sleeping?: sharing portrayed sleeping status within a social network., , , and . CSCW, page 619-628. ACM, (2008)Reflektor: An Exploration of Collaborative Music Playlist Creation for Social Context., , and . GROUP, page 27-38. ACM, (2018)Exploring the use of technology in healthcare spaces and its impact on empathic communication., , , and . IHI, page 497-501. ACM, (2010)Opportunities and challenges for self-experimentation in self-tracking., , , , , and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 991-996. ACM, (2015)Opportunities for computing technologies to support healthy sleep behaviors., , , and . CHI, page 3053-3062. ACM, (2011)DesignLibs: a scenario-based design method for ideation., and . CHI, page 1955-1958. ACM, (2013)Touchscreen prompts for preschoolers: designing developmentally appropriate techniques for teaching young children to perform gestures., , , , , , and . IDC, page 109-118. ACM, (2015)Coco's Videos: An Empirical Investigation of Video-Player Design Features and Children's Media Use., , , and . CHI, page 254. ACM, (2018)Design and Real-World Evaluation of Eyes-Free Yoga: An Exergame for Blind and Low-Vision Exercise., , , , , , and . ACM Trans. Access. Comput., 9 (4): 12:1-12:25 (2017)"This just felt to me like the right thing to do": Decision-Making Experiences of Parents of Young Children., , , , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 489-503. ACM, (2020)