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Research of inarticulate micro-manipulator robot driven by magnetic levitation force., , и . SMC (6), стр. 5221-5226. IEEE, (2004)Magnetic levitation micro-manipulator robot and its fuzzy cerebella model articulation controller system., , и . ICARCV, стр. 1786-1790. IEEE, (2004)Study of robotic compliant assembly fixture with magnetic levitation., , и . SMC, стр. 3370-3375. IEEE, (2003)The solution theory of the nonlinear q-fractional differential equations., и . Appl. Math. Lett., (2020)An Online Human Dynamic Arm Strength Perception Method Based on Surface Electromyography Signals for Human-Robot Collaboration., , и . IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., (2023)Parameterized preconditioning for generalized saddle point problems arising from the Stokes equation., , и . J. Comput. Appl. Math., 236 (6): 1511-1520 (2011)An analysis of the bilinear finite volume method for the singularly-perturbed convection-diffusion problems on Shishkin mesh., и . Comput. Math. Appl., (2024)An Adaptive Sliding-Mode Iterative Constant-force Control Method for Robotic Belt Grinding Based on a One-Dimensional Force Sensor., , и . Sensors, 19 (7): 1635 (2019)A difference method for solving the q-fractional differential equations., и . Appl. Math. Lett., (2019)Fuzzy PD compliance control of 6 degrees-of-freedom robot using disturbed force sense., и . ROBIO, стр. 1674-1679. IEEE, (2012)