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Approximations and consistency of Bayes factors as model dimension grows, , и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 112 (1-2): 241--258 (01.03.2003)On the inadmissibility of unbiased estimators. Statistics & Probability Letters, 9 (5): 381--384 (мая 1990)Combining coordinates in simultaneous estimation of normal means, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 8 (2): 143--160 (октября 1983)Exact convolution of <i>t</i> distributions, with applications to Bayesian inference for a normal mean with <i>t</i> prior distributions, и . Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 36 (4): 209--228 (1990)The interplay of Bayesian and frequentist analysis, и . Statistical Science, 19 (1): 58--80 (2004)Estimating Shape Constrained Functions Using Gaussian Processes., и . SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantification, 4 (1): 1-25 (2016)Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis. Springer Series in Statistics Springer, New York, (1985)Sharpening Ockham’s razor on a Bayesian strop, и . (августа 1991)Robust Bayesian displays for standard inferences concerning a normal mean, и . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 33 (4): 381--399 (28.06.2000)Estimated confidence procedures for multivariate normal means, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 23 (1): 1--19 (сентября 1989)