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Switched Control for Quantized Feedback Systems: Invariance and Limit Cycle Analysis., , , и . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 63 (11): 3775-3786 (2018)A compositional modeling framework for the optimal energy management of a district network., , , и . CoRR, (2017)Hybrid control of manipulators in human-robot coexistence scenarios., , и . ACC, стр. 1172-1177. IEEE, (2018)Hysteresis-based switching control of stochastic linear systems., , и . ECC, стр. 2956-2961. IEEE, (2003)Probabilistic reachability and safe sets computation for discrete time stochastic hybrid systems., , , , и . CDC, стр. 258-263. IEEE, (2006)A novel set-based reachability method for optimal robust control of constrained linear systems., и . ECC, стр. 1437-1442. IEEE, (2019)A data-based approach to power capacity optimization., , , и . CDC, стр. 1663-1668. IEEE, (2017)Optimal maneuver for multiple aircraft conflict resolution: a braid point of view., , и . CDC, стр. 4164-4169. IEEE, (2000)Probabilistic pursuit-evasion games: a one-step Nash approach., , и . CDC, стр. 2272-2277. IEEE, (2000)Application of reachability analysis for stochastic hybrid systems to aircraft conflict prediction., и . CDC, стр. 4036-4041. IEEE, (2008)