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Dynamical path-planning algorithm of a mobile robot using chaotic neuron model.

, , , , and . IROS (2), page 456-461. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)

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Modeling of the emotional model with friendship for familiarity of robot., , , and . IROS, page 1235-1240. IEEE, (2005)QoS-Enabled Service Discovery Using Agent Platform., , and . International Conference on Computational Science (3), volume 3516 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 950-953. Springer, (2005)Dynamic Handoff Threshold Algorithm Using Mobile Speed for WLAN Utilization Improvement in 3G-WLAN Integrated Networks., , and . International Conference on Computational Science (1), volume 3991 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 956-959. Springer, (2006)Dynamic control of underactuated manipulators with free-swinging passive joints in Cartesian space., and . ICRA, page 3294-3299. IEEE, (1997)Service Discovery Supporting Open Scalability Using FIPA-Compliant Agent Platfrom for Ubiquitous Networks., , and . ICCSA (3), volume 3482 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 99-108. Springer, (2005)Agent-Based Discovery Middleware Supporting Interoperability in Ubiquitous Environments., , , and . KES-AMSTA, volume 4496 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 141-149. Springer, (2007)Robust adaptive control of underactuated robot manipulators in Cartesian space., and . IROS, page 491-497. IEEE, (1997)A Development of the Automatic Digitizing System for Power Distribution Facility Images., , , , , and . ACIS-ICIS, page 105-110. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Multiuser CDMA Parameters Estimation Using Sigma Point Particle Filter., , and . ACIS-ICIS, page 127-132. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Development of power facility management services using RFID/USN., , , , and . Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., 34 (4): 241-248 (2009)