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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Automatic reading system based on automatic alignment control for pointer meter., , , , und . IECON, Seite 3414-3418. IEEE, (2014)martFL: Enabling Utility-Driven Data Marketplace with a Robust and Verifiable Federated Learning Architecture., , , und . CCS, Seite 1496-1510. ACM, (2023)Monitoring the meteorological drought in the middle reaches of Heihe River basin based on TRMM precipitation data., , , und . IGARSS, Seite 4313-4316. IEEE, (2016)A PSO identification algorithm for temperature adaptive adjustment system., , und . IEEM, Seite 752-755. IEEE, (2015)Consistent specification tests for semiparametric/nonparametric models based on series estimation methods, , und . Journal of Econometrics, 112 (2): 295--325 (Februar 2003)A nonparametric test for poolability using panel data, , und . Journal of Econometrics, 75 (2): 345--367 (Dezember 1996)Monte Carlo results on several new and existing tests for the error component model (Vol. 54, No. 1-3 (1992) pp. 95-120), , und . Journal of Econometrics, 59 (3): 405--403 (Oktober 1993)Monte Carlo evidence on panel data regressions with AR(1) disturbances and an arbitrary variance on the initial observations, , und . Journal of Econometrics, 52 (3): 371--380 (Juni 1992)Uniform convergence rate of kernel estimation with mixed categorical and continuous data, und . Economics Letters, 86 (2): 291--296 (Februar 2005)A semi-parametric non-nested test in a dynamic panel data model, und . Economics Letters, 49 (1): 1--6 (Juli 1995)