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On being the right scale: sizing large collections of 3D models., , , , и . SIGGRAPH ASIA Indoor Scene Understanding Where Graphics Meets Vision, стр. 4:1-4:11. ACM, (2014)Flow and changes in appearance., , и . SIGGRAPH Courses, стр. 3. ACM, (2005)Modeling and rendering of metallic patinas., и . SIGGRAPH Courses, стр. 2. ACM, (2005)Modeling and rendering of metallic patinas., и . SIGGRAPH Courses, стр. 2. ACM, (2006)Riposte: a trace-driven compiler and parallel VM for vector code in R., , и . PACT, стр. 43-52. ACM, (2012)Partitioning and ordering large radiosity computations., , , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 443-450. ACM, (1994)Textures and radiosity: controlling emission and reflection with texture maps., , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 51-58. ACM, (1994)Efficient Partitioning of Fragment Shaders for Multipass Rendering on Programmable Graphics Hardware., , , , и . Graphics Hardware, стр. 69-78. The Eurographics Association, (2002)Arc Length-Based Aspect Ratio Selection., , и . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 17 (12): 2276-2282 (2011)Profiling the X Protocol., и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 272-273. ACM, (1994)