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Rigidity in Non-Euclidean Frameworks for Formation Control: The Manhattan Metric., , и . CDC, стр. 740-745. IEEE, (2019)Bearing-compass formation control: A human-swarm interaction perspective., , и . ACC, стр. 3881-3886. IEEE, (2014)Semi-autonomous networks: Theory and decentralized protocols., , и . ICRA, стр. 1958-1963. IEEE, (2010)Time-scale separation on networks: Consensus, tracking, and state-dependent interactions., , , , и . CDC, стр. 6172-6177. IEEE, (2015)Pattern control for networks of Ginzburg-Landau oscillators via Markov Decision Processes., , и . CDC, стр. 1853-1858. IEEE, (2016)Distributed Joint Localization and Clock Synchronization in TOA-based Sensor Networks Using Joint Rigidity Theory., , и . ECC, стр. 737-742. IEEE, (2024)Efficient leader selection for translation and scale of a bearing-compass formation., , и . ICRA, стр. 1816-1821. IEEE, (2015)Exponential convergence of time-of-arrival based network clock synchronization under practical assumptions., , и . Autom., (2024)Continuous Monitoring of Transmission Lines by a Swarm of Multicopters., , и . ECC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Second-Order Coverage Control for Multi-Agent UAV Photogrammetry., , и . CoRR, (2023)