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Fast Continuous Collision Detection among Deformable Models using Graphics Processors.

, , , and . EGVE, page 19-26. Eurographics Association, (2006)

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Detail-preserving paint modeling for 3D brushes., , , and . NPAR, page 27-34. ACM, (2010)Practical logarithmic rasterization for low-error shadow maps., , , and . Graphics Hardware, page 17-24. Eurographics Association, (2007)Interactive 3D distance field computation using linear factorization., , , and . SI3D, page 117-124. ACM, (2006)Surface distance maps., , , , and . Graphics Interface, volume 234 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 35-42. ACM Press, (2007)Interactive geometric computations using graphics processors.. SIGGRAPH Courses, page 88. ACM, (2005)Challenges and Opportunities in Many-Core Computing., , and . Proc. IEEE, 96 (5): 808-815 (2008)CC Shadow Volumes., , , and . Rendering Techniques, page 197-206. Eurographics Association, (2004)Fast scan algorithms on graphics processors., , , , and . ICS, page 205-213. ACM, (2008)Fast and Reliable Collision Culling Using Graphics Hardware., , and . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 12 (2): 143-154 (2006)Predictive and Adaptive Failure Mitigation to Avert Production Cloud VM Interruptions., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). OSDI, page 1155-1170. USENIX Association, (2020)