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Flow Control in ServerNetR Clusters., , , и . Euro-Par, том 1900 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1148-1156. Springer, (2000)A Flexible ServerNet-based Fault-Tolerant Architecture., , , и . FTCS, стр. 2-11. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Performance Modeling of ServerNetTM SAN Topologies., , , , , и . J. Supercomput., 14 (1): 19-37 (1999)Maximum Delivery Time and Hot Spots in ServerNet(tm) Topologies., , , , , и . IPPS, стр. 756-762. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Tandem Computers Incorporated: Performance Modeling of ServerNetTM Topologies., , , , , , и . IPPS, стр. 518-523. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)ServerNetTM II., и . PCRCW, том 1417 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 119-136. Springer, (1997)