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In-Land Water Body Monitoring using Airborne Gnss-Reflectometry., , , , and . IGARSS, page 5212-5215. IEEE, (2022)Non-linear GNSS signal processing applied to land observation with high-rate airborne reflectometry. (Traitement non linéaire du signal GNSS appliqué à l'observation de la terre par réflectométrie GNSS aéroportée).. University of the Littoral Opal Coast, Dunkerque, France, (2022)A linear-circular regression estimate for data fusion: Application to GNSS carrier-phase signal processing., , , and . Digit. Signal Process., (2021)DGS-SMS Compact Fifth Order Low Pass Filter., , , , and . HPCS, page 274-277. IEEE, (2017)MigrO: a plug-in for the analysis of individual mobility behavior based on the stay region model., , , , , and . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, page 96:1-96:4. ACM, (2015)Discovering Gatherings Based on Individual Mobility Patterns: Challenges and Direction., , and . ICDM Workshops, page 266-273. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Extracting stay regions with uncertain boundaries from GPS trajectories: a case study in animal ecology., , and . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, page 253-262. ACM, (2014)Efficient Access to Temporally Overlaying Spatial and Textual Trajectories., and . MDM, page 262-271. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Change Point Detection in Radar Reflectivity Measurements Contaminated by Speckle Noise., , , and . IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., (2024)Phase Coherence Change Detection via Circular Uniformity Test Applied to GNSS-Reflectometry., , , , and . EUSIPCO, page 2367-2371. IEEE, (2024)