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Endpoint detection of isolated utterances based on a modified Teager energy measurement

, , and . ICASSP-92 Proceedings, Volume II, page 732-735. IEEE, (1992)

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Endpoint detection of isolated utterances based on a modified Teager energy measurement, , and . ICASSP-92 Proceedings, Volume II, page 732-735. IEEE, (1992)Necessitous Man and Conflict Resolution. Conflict: Human Needs Theory, The MacMillan Press Ltd., (1990)On the complexity of explicit duration $HMMs$, , and . IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 3 (3): 213-217 (1995)Surfactant-mediated growth of InAs-GaAs superlattices and quantum dot structures grown at different temperatures., , , and . Microelectron. J., 40 (3): 476-478 (2009)Manual authentication for wireless devices, , and . Cryptobytes, 7 (1): 29-37 (Spring 2004)Johnson Among the Early Modern Grammarians. International Journal of Lexicography, 18 (2): 203--216 (Jun 1, 2005)Parametricity and Variants of Girard's J Operator., and . Inf. Process. Lett., 70 (1): 1-5 (1999)Word Recognition in a Functional Context: The Use of Scripts in Reading, and . Journal of Memory and Language, (1985)Wartime "prosperity" and the future. Our economy in war National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, NY, (1943)Determination of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Parameters from Isothermal Heat Conduction Microcalorimetry: Applications to Long-Term-Reaction Studies, , , and . The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99 (18): 7108--7113 (May 1995)