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A Pareto-Efficient Algorithm for Data Stream Processing at Network Edges., , , , и . CloudCom, стр. 159-162. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Virtual network reconfiguration in optical substrate networks., , , , и . OFC/NFOEC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2013)Flexible advance reservation models for virtual network scheduling., , , , , и . LCN Workshops, стр. 651-656. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)The Sponge Structure Modulation Application to Overcome the Security Breaches for the MD5 and SHA-1 Hash Functions., и . COMPSAC (1), стр. 811-816. IEEE, (2019)A Big Data Storage Scheme Based on Distributed Storage Locations and Multiple Authorizations., , и . BigDataSecurity/HPSC/IDS, стр. 13-18. IEEE, (2019)A Communication-Aware Energy-Efficient Graph-Coloring Algorithm for VM Placement in Clouds., , , , и . SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI, стр. 1684-1691. IEEE, (2018)Virtual network advance reservation., , , , , и . CloudNet, стр. 84-86. IEEE, (2015)Online Live VM Migration Algorithms to Minimize Total Migration Time and Downtime., , , , и . IPDPS, стр. 406-417. IEEE, (2019)A Multi-Objective Programming Approach for Resource Allocation in Data Centers.. PDPTA, стр. 152-158. CSREA Press, (2009)A Frugal Auction Technique for Data Replication in Large Distributed Computing Systems.. PDPTA, стр. 17-23. CSREA Press, (2009)