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The Microstructural Features of the Diffusion-Simulated Connectivity (DiSCo) Dataset., , , , , and . CDMRI@MICCAI, volume 13006 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 159-170. Springer, (2021)Multi-Layer Hierarchical Clustering of Pedestrian Trajectories for Automatic Counting of People in Video Sequences., , and . WACV/MOTION, page 50-57. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)On Problem Formulation, Efficient Modeling and Deep Neural Networks for High-Quality Ultrasound Imaging : Invited Presentation., , , , , and . CISS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Mixture of SVMs for Face Class Modeling., , and . MLMI, volume 3361 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 173-181. Springer, (2004)Automatic Pedestrian Tracking Using Discrete Choice Models and Image Correlation Techniques., , , and . MLMI, volume 3361 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 341-348. Springer, (2004)Cardiac output measured by electrical impedance tomography: Applications and limitations., , , , , and . BioCAS, page 236-239. IEEE, (2014)Soil moisture estimation using synergy of optical, SAR, and topographic data with Gaussian Process Regression., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). SAR, volume 9243 of SPIE Proceedings, page 92430R. SPIE, (2014)PCA in Autocorrelation Space., and . ICPR (2), page 132-135. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Rotation and Scale Invariant Shape Representation and Recognition Using Matching Pursuit., , and . ICPR (4), page 326-329. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Pattern recognition using higher-order local autocorrelation coefficients., and . NNSP, page 229-238. IEEE, (2002)