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Teaching Experienced Developers to Design Graphical User Interfaces., , , , , и . CHI, стр. 557-564. ACM, (1992)Practical Education for Improving Software Usability., и . CHI, стр. 162-169. ACM/Addison-Wesley, (1995)Participatory GUI design from task models., , , и . CHI Conference Companion, стр. 375-376. ACM, (1996)Assessing a groupware implementation of a manual participatory design process., , , , , , и . INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings, стр. 105-106. ACM, (1993)Comparing studies that compare usability assessment methods: an unsuccessful search for stable criteria., , и . INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings, стр. 185-186. ACM, (1993)Participatory Practices in the Software Lifecycle, , и . Handbook of human-computer interaction, North-Holland, (1997)Putting the Users in Charge: A Collaborative, User Composable Interface for NASA's Mission Control., , и . HICSS, стр. 674-683. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Skills needed by user-centered design practitioners in real software development environments: report on the CHI'92 workshop.. ACM SIGCHI Bull., 25 (3): 16-31 (1993)Taking design seriously: exploring techniques useful in HCI design., и . ACM SIGCHI Bull., 22 (2): 26-33 (1990)A C.A.R.D. game for participatory task analysis and redesign: macroscopic complement to PICTIVE., , и . INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings, стр. 51-52. ACM, (1993)