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Aschern at CLEF CheckThat! 2021: Lambda-Calculus of Fact-Checked Claims., , и . CLEF (Working Notes), том 2936 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 484-493., (2021)Aschern at SemEval-2020 Task 11: It Takes Three to Tango: RoBERTa, CRF, and Transfer Learning., , и . SemEval@COLING, стр. 1462-1468. International Committee for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Transformers: "The End of History" for NLP?, , и . CoRR, (2021)Transformers: "The End of History" for Natural Language Processing?, , и . ECML/PKDD (3), том 12977 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 677-693. Springer, (2021)ZenPropaganda: A Comprehensive Study on Identifying Propaganda Techniques in Russian Coronavirus-Related Media., , , , и . LREC/COLING, стр. 17795-17807. ELRA and ICCL, (2024)Batch-Softmax Contrastive Loss for Pairwise Sentence Scoring Tasks., , , и . NAACL-HLT, стр. 116-126. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Truth-O-Meter: Handling Multiple Inconsistent Sources Repairing LLM Hallucinations., , и . SIGIR, стр. 2817-2821. ACM, (2024)CrowdChecked: Detecting Previously Fact-Checked Claims in Social Media., , , , и . AACL/IJCNLP (1), стр. 266-285. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)WhatTheWikiFact: Fact-Checking Claims Against Wikipedia., , и . CIKM, стр. 4690-4695. ACM, (2021)