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The Work of belonging through Technology in Remote Work: a Case Study in tele-Nursing., и . ECIS, стр. Research Paper 106. (2016)Digital contact-tracing adoption in the COVID-19 pandemic: IT governance for collective action at the societal level., , , и . Eur. J. Inf. Syst., 29 (6): 731-745 (2020)Introduction to the Minitrack on Actors, Agents, and Avatars: Visualizing Digital Humans in E-Commerce and Social Media., , и . HICSS, стр. 1-2. ScholarSpace, (2022)Beyond deep fakes: Conceptual framework, applications, and research agenda for neural rendering of realistic digital faces., , , и . HICSS, стр. 1-10. ScholarSpace, (2021)Wither Interpretivism? Re-interpreting interpretation to fit a world of ubiquitous ICT., и . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2019)Identity-making: A Multimodal Approach for Researching Identity in Social Media., и . ECIS, (2015)Adoption of Communication Media in Virtual Organisations - Case Evidence of Structural Dilemmas., , и . ECIS, стр. 1046-1057. (2008)The Beergame in Business-to-Business eCommerce Courses - A Teaching Report.. Bled eConference, стр. 1. (2008)Personalisierung von Online-Shops --- und aus Distanz wird Nähe, и . Report Online-Handel, Düsseldorf, Symposion Verlag, (2001)Personalisierung der Internetsuche - Lösungstechniken und Marktüberblick, и . Wirtschaftsinformatik, 49 (2): 116--126 (2007)