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Toward High Altitude Airship Ground-Based Boresight Calibration of Hyperspectral Pushbroom Imaging Sensors., , , , и . Remote Sensing, 7 (12): 17297-17311 (2015)Measurement Axis Searching Model for Terrestrial Laser Scans Registration., , и . J. Sensors, (2016)A Registration Scheme for Multispectral Systems Using Phase Correlation and Scale Invariant Feature Matching., , и . J. Sensors, (2016)Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution by Adaptive POCS and Blur Metric., , , и . Sensors, 17 (1): 82 (2017)Route-Planning Method for Plant Protection Rotor Drones in Convex Polygon Regions., , и . Sensors, 21 (6): 2221 (2021)Registration of Multiple Laser Scans Based on 3D Contour Features., , и . IV, стр. 725-730. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Super-Resolution Based on Compressive Sensing and Structural Self-Similarity for Remote Sensing Images., , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 51 (9): 4864-4876 (2013)Continuous-Time Laser Frames Associating and Mapping via Multilayer Optimization., , , , и . Sensors, 21 (1): 97 (2021)Automatic global registration of multiple 3D data sets from outdoor urban environments based on feature units., , , и . SCCG, стр. 193-199. ACM, (2004)Real 3D Digital Method for Large-Scale Cultural Heritage Sites., , и . IV, стр. 503-508. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)