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3D Object Positioning from Monocular Image Brightnesses., , , и . ICIAP (1), том 1310 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 628-635. Springer, (1997)Detection of Pedestrian Crossing using Bipolarity and Projective Invariant., и . MVA, стр. 132-135. (2005)Image Analysis of Crosswalk., , , , и . ICIAP, стр. 168-173. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)An Optimal Control of an Integrated Circuit-and Packet-Switching System, , и . стр. 3.1-3.4. (1985)Genetic Algorithm for Thinning Gray-Scale Images of Characters., , и . ICIAP, том 974 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 563-568. Springer, (1995)Optimal Service Policy in Multi-Queuing System. стр. 583-586. (1991)Measurement of the Length of Pedestriancrossings through Image Processing., и . ICCVG, том 32 из Computational Imaging and Vision, стр. 51-56. Springer, (2004)Glasses Frame Detection with 3D Hough Transform., , , , и . ICPR (2), стр. 346-349. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Head Pose Estimation Using both Color and Feature Information., , , и . ICPR, стр. 2842-2841. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Robust zebra-crossing detection using bipolarity and projective invariant., и . ISSPA, стр. 571-574. IEEE, (2005)