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Exploiting SDN Approach to Tackle Cloud Computing Security Issues in the ATC Scenario., , , , и . EWDC, том 7869 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 54-60. Springer, (2013)On the Evaluation of VM Provisioning Time in Cloud Platforms for Mission-Critical Infrastructures., , , , , и . CCGRID, стр. 802-810. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Dynamic Virtual Cluster Reconfiguration for Efficient IaaS Provisioning., , , , и . Euro-Par Workshops, том 6043 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 424-433. Springer, (2009)Applying the SecRAM Methodology in a CLOUD-Based ATM Environment., , , , и . ARES, стр. 807-813. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Hybrid Simulation of Distributed Large-Scale Critical Infrastructures., , , и . INCoS, стр. 616-621. IEEE, (2014)A New Precomputation Scheme for MPLS Traffic Engineering Routing., , и . ICDCN, том 4308 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 391-396. Springer, (2006)A splitting infrastructure for load balancing and security in an MPLS network., , , и . TRIDENTCOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2007)An OpenFlow-based architecture for IaaS security., , , и . ATACCS, стр. 118-121. ACM, (2013)Virtualization Techniques in Network Emulation Systems., , , и . Euro-Par Workshops, том 4854 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 144-153. Springer, (2007)System-Level Virtualization and Mobile IP to Support Service Mobility., , , и . ICPP Workshops, стр. 243-248. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)