Author of the publication

The Toastboard: Ubiquitous Instrumentation and Automated Checking of Breadboarded Circuits.

, , , , , and . UIST, page 677-686. ACM, (2016)

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Pictionaire: supporting collaborative design work by integrating physical and digital artifacts., , , and . CSCW, page 421-424. ACM, (2010)Turning coders into makers: the promise of embedded design generation., , , , , and . SCF, page 4:1-4:10. ACM, (2017)Writing Reusable Code Feedback at Scale with Mixed-Initiative Program Synthesis., , , , , , and . L@S, page 89-98. ACM, (2017)Designing Bespoke Interactive Devices., and . Computer, 46 (8): 85-89 (2013)Should your MOOC forum use a reputation system?, , , and . CSCW, page 1176-1187. ACM, (2014)Visualizing API Usage Examples at Scale., , , and . CHI, page 580. ACM, (2018)What would other programmers do: suggesting solutions to error messages., , , and . CHI, page 1019-1028. ACM, (2010)Enhancing Cross-Device Interaction Scripting with Interactive Illustrations., , and . CHI, page 5482-5493. ACM, (2016)Machine Learning for Makers: Interactive Sensor Data Classification Based on Augmented Code Examples., , , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 1213-1225. ACM, (2017)Initial experiences with small group discussions in MOOCs., , , , and . L@S, page 151-152. ACM, (2014)