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Optimum Coherent Discriminator Based Code Multipath Mitigation By S-Curve Shaping for BOC(n,n) and BPSK Signals, , and . Proc. of the ENC-GNSS, (2005)Testing a Vector Delay/Frequency Lock Loop Implementation with the ipex Software Receiver, , and . Proc. of GPS/GNSS Symposium, (2005)S-Curve Shaping: A new method for Optimum Discriminator Based Code Multipath Mitigation, , and . Proc. of the 18th ION GNSS Conf., (2005)Enabling Location-Based Services with a Combined Galileo/GPS Receiver Architecture, , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). Proc. of the ION GNSS Conf., (2004)Trade-off between pure software based and FPGA based base band processing for a real time kinematics GNSS receiver, , , , , , and . Proc. of the 18th ION GNSS Conf., (2005)PLL Tracking Performance in the Presence of Oscillator Phase Noise, and . GPS Solutions, (2002)Code and Carrier Phase Performance of a Future Galileo RTK receiver, , , and . Proc. of the European Navigation Conf. (ENC-GNSS), (2002)Analysis of the Ionospheric Influence on Signal Propagation and Tracking Of Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) Signals For Galileo And GPS, , and . Proc. of the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, (2002)