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Other publications of authors with the same name

CFinder: locating cliques and overlapping modules in biological networks, , , , and . Bioinformatics, (January 2006)Supplementary Information to Quantifying Social Group Evolution, , , and . Nature, (March 2007)Topological phase transitions of random networks, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 334 (3-4): 583--590 (Mar 15, 2004)Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society, , , and . Nature, (2005)Directed network modules, , , , and . New Journal of Physics, (June 2007)Weighted network modules, , , and . New Journal of Physics, 9 (6): 180 (2007)Spectra of ``real-world´´ graphs: beyond the semicircle law, , , and . Physical Review, (2001)Application of statistical mechanics to collective motion in biology, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 274 (1-2): 182--189 (Dec 1, 1999)Initiating a Mexican wave: An instantaneous collective decision with both short- and long-range interactions, and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 369 (2): 830--840 (Sep 15, 2006)Quantifying the changing role of past publications., , and . Scientometrics, 108 (2): 829-853 (2016)