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Retaining Learned Behavior During Real-Time Neuroevolution., , , , и . AIIDE, стр. 39-44. AAAI Press, (2005)Evolving Reusable Neural Modules, , и . Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2004), (2004)Constraining connectivity to encourage modularity in HyperNEAT., и . GECCO, стр. 1483-1490. ACM, (2011)Guided self-organization in indirectly encoded and evolving topographic maps., и . GECCO, стр. 713-720. ACM, (2014)A novel generative encoding for exploiting neural network sensor and output geometry., и . GECCO, стр. 974-981. ACM, (2007)Evolvability Is Inevitable: Increasing Evolvability Without the Pressure to Adapt, и . CoRR, (2013)Generative and Developmental Systems Tutorial.. GECCO (Companion), стр. 503-532. ACM, (2015)Evolving neural networks., и . GECCO (Companion), стр. 2977-3014. ACM, (2009)The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution: A Collection of Anecdotes from the Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life Research Communities, , , , , , , , , и 42 other автор(ы). (2018)cite arxiv:1803.03453.A unified approach to evolving plasticity and neural geometry., и . IJCNN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2012)