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E2LLM: Encoder Elongated Large Language Models for Long-Context Understanding and Reasoning., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2024)HammerBench: Fine-Grained Function-Calling Evaluation in Real Mobile Device Scenarios., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). CoRR, (2024)Dynamic Hierarchical Distributed Intrusion Detection System Based on Multi-Agent System., , , и . IAT Workshops, стр. 89-93. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)An Intrusion Detection Model Based on Intention Modeling., , , и . Security and Management, стр. 24-29. CSREA Press, (2007)Articulation-to-Speech Synthesis Using Articulatory Flesh Point Sensors' Orientation Information., , , , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 3152-3156. ISCA, (2018)Using an improved C4.5 for imbalanced dataset of intrusion., , , , и . PST, том 380 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 67. ACM, (2006)Compile-Time Automatic Synchronization Insertion and Redundant Synchronization Elimination for GPU Kernels., , , и . ICPADS, стр. 826-834. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Adaptive learning rate algorithms based on the improved Barzilai-Borwein method., , , , , и . Pattern Recognit., (2025)Spatiotemporally asynchronous sampled-data control of a linear parabolic PDE on a hypercube., и . Int. J. Control, 95 (12): 3326-3335 (2022)Sliding Mode Control of Surface-Mount Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Error Model with Unknown Load., и . J. Softw., 6 (5): 819-825 (2011)