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Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions Using Advanced Multiprocessing., , , , , and . DCAI, volume 79 of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, page 221-228. Springer, (2010)Community detection in power grids by an evolutionary method., , , , and . GECCO (Companion), page 279-280. ACM, (2017)How to overcome the limitations of p-q Theory: Geometric Algebra Power Theory to the rescue., , , and . ISGT-Europe, page 339-343. IEEE, (2020)Basket-Handle Arch and Its Optimum Symmetry Generation as a Structural Element and Keeping the Aesthetic Point of View., , , , , and . Symmetry, 11 (10): 1243 (2019)Detection of Communities within the Multibody System Dynamics Network and Analysis of Their Relations., , , and . Symmetry, 11 (12): 1525 (2019)A New Memetic Algorithm for the Two-Dimensional Bin-Packing Problem with Rotations., , , , , and . DCAI, volume 79 of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, page 541-548. Springer, (2010)VESPQ: Visual Event System for Power Quality., , , , , , , , and . MetroInd4.0& IoT, page 161-166. IEEE, (2022)An Open Hardware Design for Internet of Things Power Quality and Energy Saving Solutions., , , , , and . Sensors, 19 (3): 627 (2019)Community detection in national-scale high voltage transmission networks using genetic algorithms., , , , and . Adv. Eng. Informatics, (2018)Rampant Arch and Its Optimum Geometrical Generation., , , , , and . Symmetry, 11 (5): 627 (2019)