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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Decomposable graphs and hypergraphs, , und . Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Series A), 36 (1): 12--29 (1984)Minimal graphs with prescribed vertex independence and clique numbers., und . Australas. J Comb., (1991)On controlled sampling designs, und . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 52 (3): 375--378 (01.07.1996)Randomized response revisited, und . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 90 (2): 293--304 (01.10.2000)The characterization of edge-maximal critically k-edge connected graphs., , und . Australas. J Comb., (1992)Maximal cycles in graphs., und . Discret. Math., 98 (1): 1-7 (1991)Statistical exploratory analysis of genetic algorithms, , , , und . IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 8 (4): 405-421 (2004)Integrative Deep Learning Forecasting of Air Quality Index in India: A Fusion of Bidirectional LSTM and Sensor Data., , , , , und . ICIT, Seite 194-199. ACM, (2023)Study of an EEG based Brain Machine Interface System for Controlling a Robotic Arm., , , , , , und . IJCCI (NCTA), Seite 339-344. SciTePress, (2014)An automated feature-localisation algorithm for a feature-specific modular approach for face recognition., , und . IJISTA, 2 (4): 329-344 (2007)