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Automating Data Personas for Designing Health Interventions., , , , , , и . HCI (29), том 14039 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 192-201. Springer, (2023)Introduction to the Minitrack on User Experience (UX) in Information Systems (IS) for Health and Wellness., , и . HICSS, стр. 1. ScholarSpace / AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), (2018)The Impact of Feedback Design on Cognitive Effort, Usability, and Technology Use., , и . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2020)Using Persona Development to Design a Smartphone Application for Older and Younger Diabetes Patients - A Methodological Approach for Persona Development., , и . HCI (33), том 14043 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 214-227. Springer, (2023)Introduction to HCI and Consumer Health Informatics Minitrack., , и . HICSS, стр. 2864-2865. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Online Mood Induction., , и . AMCIS, стр. 368. Association for Information Systems, (2005)Cognitive predictors of consumers' intention to comply with social marketing email appeals., , и . Comput. Hum. Behav., (2015)Eye Movements and Reading Behavior of Younger and Older Users: An Exploratory Eye-Tacking Study., и . HCI (26), том 10926 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 377-391. Springer, (2018)Creating Value with Proto-Research Persona Development., , и . HCI (24), том 11589 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 72-82. Springer, (2019)Affect feedback during crisis and its role in improving IS utilization., , и . ISCRAM, ISCRAM, Seattle, USA, (2010)