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Relational Restricted Boltzmann Machines: A Probabilistic Logic Learning Approach., , , , , и . ILP, том 10759 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 94-111. Springer, (2017)A Graph-Search Framework for GeneId Ranking.. BioNLP@NAACL-HLT, стр. 93-95. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2006)A graph-search framework for associating gene identifiers with documents, и . BMC Bioinformatics, 7 (1): 440 (2006)A Comparison of String Metrics for Matching Names and Records in KDD Workshop on Data Cleaning and Object Consolidation, , и . (2003)Adaptive Name Matching in Information Integration, , , , и . IEEE Intelligent Systems, (сентября 2003)Learning to understand the Web, , и . IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, стр. 17--24. (сентября 2000)Finding Domain Specific Polar Words for Sentiment Classification, и . LTI Student Research Symposium, (2008)Learning to Classify English Text with ILP Methods. Advances in Inductive Logic Programming, стр. 124--143. IOS Press, (1995)Hardness Results for Learning First-Order Representations and Programming by Demonstration.. Mach. Learn., 30 (1): 57-87 (1998)Extracting Information from the Web for Concept Learning and Collaborative Filtering.. ALT, том 1968 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-12. Springer, (2000)