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Query languages for the casual user: Exploring the middle ground between formal and natural languages., и . CHI, стр. 161-165. ACM, (1983)Oleada: User-Centered TIPSTER Technology for Language Instruction., и . TIPSTER, стр. 85-90. (1996)A cognitive model of database querying: a tool for novice instruction., и . CHI, стр. 107-113. ACM, (1986)Free Resources And Advanced Alignment For Cross-Language Text Retrieval., и . TREC, том 500-240 из NIST Special Publication, стр. 385-395. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (1997)QUILT: Implementing a Large-scale Cross-language Text Retrieval System., и . SIGIR, стр. 92-98. ACM, (1997)The human factors of natural language query systems.. ACM Conference on Computer Science, стр. 174-175. ACM, (1985)UCLIR: a Multilingual Information Retrieval Tool., , , и . Inteligencia Artif., 8 (22): 103-110 (2004)Visible Speech Improves Human Language Understanding: Implications for Speech Processing Systems., и . Artif. Intell. Rev., 9 (4-5): 347-358 (1995)Interactive Information Retrieval Using Term Relationship Networks., , и . TREC, том 500-240 из NIST Special Publication, стр. 379-384. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (1997)CRL's TREC-8 Systems Cross-Lingual IR, and Q&A., , , , , , и . TREC, том 500-246 из NIST Special Publication, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (1999)