Author of the publication

Comparison of a Fair Queueing Discipline to Processor Sharing.

, and . Performance, page 193-207. North-Holland, (1990)

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Simple, Efficient Asynchronous Parallel Prefix Algorithms., and . ICPP, page 66-69. Pennsylvania State University Press, (1987)Experience in measuring backbone traffic variability: models, metrics, measurements and meaning., , , , , and . Internet Measurement Workshop, page 91-92. ACM, (2002)Computational techniques for accurate performance evaluation of multirate, multihop communication networks., and . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 5 (2): 266-277 (1997)Network Anomography., , , and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 317-330. USENIX Association, (2005)WebProphet: Automating Performance Prediction for Web Services., , , , , and . NSDI, page 143-158. USENIX Association, (2010)Public DNS system and Global Traffic Management., , , and . INFOCOM, page 2615-2623. IEEE, (2011)The cutting EDGE of IP router configuration., , , , , and . Comput. Commun. Rev., 34 (1): 21-26 (2004)MIMD Parallel Simulation of Circuit-Switched Communication Networks., , and . WSC, page 629-636. ACM Press, (1992)Future directions in performance evaluation research., , , , and . SIGMETRICS, page 251-252. ACM, (2007)Hardware-Efficient Fair Queueing Architectures for High-Speed Networks., , and . INFOCOM, page 638-646. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)