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Anchored navigation: coupling panning operation with zooming and tilting based on the anchor point on a map., , , , , и . Graphics Interface, стр. 233-240. ACM / Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, (2010)ActiveCube: a bi-directional user interface using cubes., , , и . KES, стр. 99-102. IEEE, (2000)Effects of avatar's blinking animation on person impressions., , , , , и . Graphics Interface, стр. 169-176. ACM Press, (2008)An expert system for industrial machine vision., , и . ICPR (1), стр. 771-774. IEEE, (1990)3D Selection Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays., , , и . Interact. Comput., 29 (4): 579-591 (2017)Random-forest-based initializer for solving inverse problem in 3D motion tracking systems., , , , и . VRST, стр. 116:1-116:2. ACM, (2018)A Compact and Low-cost VR Tooth Drill Training System using Mobile HMD and Stylus Smartphone., , , , , и . VRST, стр. 46:1-46:3. ACM, (2021)A parallel algorithm for octree generation from polyhedral shape representation., и . ICPR, стр. 303-309. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)ShearSheet: Low-Cost Shear Force Input with Elastic Feedback for Augmenting Touch Interaction., , , , , и . ISS, стр. 77-87. ACM, (2019)A Study on AR Authoring using Mobile Devices for Educators., , , , и . ICAT-EGVE, стр. 175-182. Eurographics Association, (2018)