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Smoothing the XCP sender., , и . ICON, стр. 95-99. IEEE, (2011)An Architecture for a Hardware Implementation of the OSPF Protocol., , и . CAINE, стр. 109-114. ISCA, (2004)Designing Collaborative CORBA-based Environments., и . CAINE, стр. 276-278. ISCA, (2001)Feedback control of packet loss for VPN services., и . ICON, стр. 583-587. IEEE, (2004)Web Service Distributed Management Framework for Autonomic Server Virtualization., , , и . SVM, том 18 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 61-71. (2008)General untimed Petri net models for the general components of automatic transport systems with accumulation areas., , , и . SACI, стр. 423-428. IEEE, (2009)A new NIR camera for gesture control of electronic devices., , , , , и . SACI, стр. 179-184. IEEE, (2013)Modeling and Simulation of an Operational Transformation Algorithm Using Finite State Machines., , и . SACI, стр. 119-124. IEEE, (2018)Role Based Access Control for UDDI Inquiries., , и . COMSWARE, IEEE, (2007)DynFace: A Multi-label, Dynamic-Margin-Softmax Face Recognition Model., , , и . CVC (1), том 943 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 535-550. Springer, (2019)