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Shifting boundaries and new technologies: a case study in the UK banking sector., и . ICIS, стр. 177-187. Association for Information Systems, (1998)Strategy sort of died around april last year for a lot of us - CIO perceptions on ICT value and strategy in the UK financial sector., , и . ECIS, стр. 1205-1219. (2003)Governance and control in distributed ledgers: Understanding the challenges facing blockchain technology in financial services., , и . Inf. Organ., 29 (2): 105-117 (2019)The Digital Undertow and Institutional Displacement: A Sociomaterial Approach, и . Organization Theory, (апреля 2023)Re-evaluating Power in Information Rich Organizations: New Theories and Approaches., , , и . New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes, том 149 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 297-298. Kluwer, (1999)The creation of 'best practice' software: Myth, reality and ethics., , и . Inf. Organ., 16 (3): 251-275 (2006)Knowledge management as an image of the organization: industry standards and processes of knowing in credit risk management., , и . ECIS, стр. 2241-2253. (2006)Exploring Material‐Discursive Practices, и . Journal of Management Studies, 52 (5): 697–705 (декабря 2014)The Digital Undertow: How the Corollary Effects of Digital Transformation Affect Industry Standards., и . Inf. Syst. Res., 33 (1): 311-336 (2022)Thoughts on Movement, Growth and an Anthropologically-Sensitive IS/Organization Studies: An Imagined Correspondence with Tim Ingold., , , , , и . IS&O, том 489 из IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, стр. 17-32. Springer, (2016)