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Computational modeling of the effects of counterfeit components., , и . SummerSim, стр. 50. SCS/ ACM, (2014)Simulating Anti-adhesive and Antibacterial Bifunctional Polymers for Surface Coating using BioScape., , , , , и . BCB, стр. 613. ACM, (2013)Simulation and study of large-scale bacteria-materials interactions via BioScape enabled by GPUs., , , и . BCB, стр. 610-612. ACM, (2012)Approaches for the visualization of health information., , , , и . ACSW, стр. 23:1-23:9. ACM, (2018)An Adaptive Codebook Model for Change Detection with Dynamic Background., , , и . SITIS, стр. 110-116. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Sequence-Model-Based Medication Extraction from Clinical Narratives in German., , , , и . AIME (1), том 14844 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 334-344. Springer, (2024)An Agile Group Aware Process beyond CRISP-DM: A Hospital Data Mining Case Study., , , , и . ICCDA, стр. 109-113. ACM, (2017)An improved multi-layer codebook model to eliminate ghost region., , , и . NCVPRIPG, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2015)A Redefined Codebook Model for Dynamic Backgrounds., , и . CVIP (2), том 460 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 463-473. Springer, (2016)Group decision making in health care: A case study of multidisciplinary meetings., , , , , , , и . J. Decis. Syst., 25 (Supplement): 476-485 (2016)