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An Approach to Experimental Evaluation of Software Understandability.

, , and . ISESE, page 48-55. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)

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A Study on the Failure Intensity of Different Software Faults., , , and . ICSE, page 86-94. ACM, (1997)Detecting low usability web pages using quantitative data of users' behavior., , , and . ICSE, page 569-576. ACM, (2006)A mathematical comparison of Software Breeding and Community Error Recovery in multiversion software., , and . ISSRE, page 192-201. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Analysis of Relation Between Impressions and Design of B2C Web Page., , , , , and . ISAS-SCI (1), page 286-293. IIIS, (2001)Factor Analysis of Comprehension States in the Learning Phases of a Programming Language., , , , and . APSEC, page 136-143. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Comparison of Chinese and Japanese in Designing B2C Web Pages Toward Impressional Usability., , , , and . APAQS, page 319-330. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)WebTracer: A new web usability evaluation environment using gazing point information., , , , and . Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 6 (1): 63-73 (2007)An Approach to Experimental Evaluation of Software Understandability., , and . ISESE, page 48-55. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)A new method for increasing the reliability of multiversion software systems using software breeding., , and . ISSRE, page 202-208. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)