Author of the publication

Dynamic Models of Geographic Environment using Ontological Relations.

, and . IF&GIS, page 165-176. Springer, (2009)

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Geomorphometric Analysis of Raster Image Data to detect Terrain Ruggedness and Drainage Density., , , and . CIARP, volume 2905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 643-650. Springer, (2003)Semantic Similarity Applied to Geomorphometric Analysis of Digital Elevation Model., , , , and . IF&GIS, page 149-163. Springer, (2009)iRank: Integral Ranking of Geographical Information by Semantic, Geographic, and Topological Matching., and . IF&GIS, page 77-92. Springer, (2009)Knowledge-Based Method to Recognize Objects in Geo-Images., , , and . KES, volume 3215 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 718-725. Springer, (2004)Graduated Errors in Approximate Queries Using Hierarchies and Ordered Sets., and . MICAI, volume 2972 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 119-128. Springer, (2004)Raster to Vector Conversion of Color Cartographic Maps.. GREC, volume 3088 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 50-62. Springer, (2003)Representing the Semantic Content of Topological Relations into Spatial Databases., , , and . IF&GIS, page 223-233. Springer, (2007)Geospatial Information Integration Approach Based on Geographic Context Ontologies., , , , and . IF&GIS, page 177-191. Springer, (2009)Dynamic Models of Geographic Environment using Ontological Relations., and . IF&GIS, page 165-176. Springer, (2009)Managing Resolution in Digital Elevation Models Using Image Processing Techniques., , , , and . IbPRIA (1), volume 3522 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 316-324. Springer, (2005)