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Retrospective: RISC I: A Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

, and . 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints, page 24-26. ACM, (1998)

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RISC I: A Reduced Instruction Set VLSI Computer., and . 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints, page 216-230. ACM, (1998)RISC assessment: A high-level language experiment., and . ISCA, page 3-8. IEEE Computer Society, (1982)Ten Lessons From Three Generations Shaped Google's TPUv4i : Industrial Product., , , , , , , , , and 6 other author(s). ISCA, page 1-14. IEEE, (2021)Evaluation of the SPUR Lisp Architecture., , , , and . ISCA, page 444-452. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)V-Compiler: a next-generation tool for microprogramming., , , and . AFIPS National Computer Conference, volume 50 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 103-109. AFIPS Press, (1981)MAGIC: Massive Automated Grading in the Cloud., , , and . CHANGEE/WAPLA/HybridEd@EC-TEL, volume 1599 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 39-50., (2015)Vector vs. superscalar and VLIW architectures for embedded multimedia benchmarks., and . MICRO, page 283-293. ACM/IEEE Computer Society, (2002)LogP: Towards a Realistic Model of Parallel Computation., , , , , , , and . PPoPP, page 1-12. ACM, (1993)Tradeoffs in Supporting Two Page Sizes., , , and . ISCA, page 415-424. ACM, (1992)The Interaction of Parallel and Sequential Workloads on a Network of Workstations., , , , , and . SIGMETRICS, page 267-278. ACM, (1995)