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Supporting adaptive interfaces in a knowledge-based user interface environment.

, and . IUI, page 107-113. ACM, (1993)

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Computer-aided adaptation of user interfaces: an INTERCHI '93 workshop report., , , and . ACM SIGCHI Bull., 26 (1): 25-27 (1994)Animating User Interfaces Using Animation Servers., and . ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, page 69-79. ACM, (1993)Supporting adaptive interfaces in a knowledge-based user interface environment., and . IUI, page 107-113. ACM, (1993)Declarative interface models for user interface construction tools: the MASTERMIND approach., , , , and . EHCI, volume 45 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 120-150. Chapman & Hall, (1995)Multimedia help: a prototype and an experiment., , and . CHI, page 433-434. ACM, (1992)History, Results, and Bibliography of the User Interface Design Environment (UIDE), an Early Model-based System for User Interface Design and Implementation., and . DSV-IS, page 3-14. Springer, (1994)Declarative interface models for user interface construction tools: the MASTERMIND approach, , , , and . Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2.7 Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, page 120--150. London, UK, UK, Chapman & Hall, Ltd., (1996)Coupling a UI framework with automatic generation of context-sensitive animated help., and . UIST, page 152-166. ACM, (1990)Inference Bear: Designing Interactive Interfaces Through Before and After Snapshots., , and . Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems, page 167-175. ACM, (1995)Using Small Screen Space More Efficiently., , , , and . CHI, page 383-390. ACM, (1996)