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Sound-colour synaesthesia: to what extent does it use cross-modal mechanisms common to us all?, , и . Cortex, 42 (2): 264--80 (2006)Intrathecal baclofen for management of spastic cerebral palsy: multicenter trial., , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). J Child Neurol, 15 (2): 71--77 (февраля 2000)Understanding oral spelling: A review and synthesis. Neurocase, (2003)Unqualified Dublin Core usage in OAI-PMH data providers. OCLC Systems & Services, 20 (1): 40--47 (января 2004)The student's guide to cognitive neuroscience. Psychology Press, (2006)Physiotherapy in Japan.. Physiotherapy, 57 (7): 314--318 (июля 1971)Consonant-vowel encoding and orthosyllables in a case of acquired dysgraphia, и . Cognitive Neuropsychology, (2000)Serial position effects and lexical activation in spelling: Evidence from a single case study, и . Neurocase, (1998)Formal lexical paragraphias in a single case study: How “masterpiece” can become “misterpieman” and “curiosity” “suretoy”, , , и . Brain and Language, (2002)Unravelling abiogenic and biogenic sources of methane in the Earth's deep subsurface, , , , , , , и . Chemical Geology, 226 (3-4): 328--339 (2006)