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Bandwidth and power management of glueless 8-socket SPARC T5 system., , , и . ISSCC, стр. 58-59. IEEE, (2013)Virt-LM: a benchmark for live migration of virtual machine., , , , и . ICPE, стр. 307-316. ACM, (2011)Monotonic Directed Designs., , и . SIAM J. Discret. Math., 24 (1): 218-238 (2010)A 40nm 16-core 128-thread CMT SPARC SoC processor., , , , , , , , , и 3 other автор(ы). ISSCC, стр. 98-99. IEEE, (2010)The Communication Complexity of Set Intersection and Multiple Equality Testing., , , и . SODA, стр. 1715-1732. SIAM, (2020)An Efficient Probabilistic Approach Based on Area Grey Incidence Decision Making for Optimal Distributed Generation Planning., , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Efficient Algorithms for Large Scale Network Problems.. University of Michigan, USA, (2020)Lossless Compression for µ-Law (A-Law) and IMA ADPCM on the Basis of a Fast RLS Algorithm.. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III), стр. 1775-1778. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)A Fine-Grained Performance-Based Decision Model for Virtualization Application Solution., , , , , и . TPCTC, том 7144 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 180-195. Springer, (2011)Low Voltage Control of Micro-Ionic Thrusters Using the Electrostatic Induced Potential of the Collector., , , , , , и . IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 6 (4): 6884-6890 (октября 2021)