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5G Festival - Re-inventing live collaborative performances., , , , , , and . FNWF, page 7-12. IEEE, (2022)Damysus: A Practical IEEE 802.11ax BSS Color Aware Rate Control Algorithm., , , and . Int. J. Wirel. Inf. Networks, 26 (4): 285-307 (2019)CLWPR - A novel cross-layer optimized position based routing protocol for VANETs., , , and . VNC, page 139-146. IEEE, (2011)Exploiting the Capture Effect on DSC and BSS Color in Dense IEEE 802.11ax Deployments., , , and . WNS3, page 47-54. ACM, (2017)An evaluation of routing in vehicular networks using analytic hierarchy process., , , and . Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 16 (8): 895-911 (2016)Effective implementation of location services for VANETs in hybrid network infrastructures., , and . ICC Workshops, page 521-525. IEEE, (2013)Performance study of a Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) application using an integrated cooperative ITS simulation platform., , , and . IWCMC, page 918-923. IEEE, (2011)Social CLWPR: A socially enhanced position based routing protocol for handling misbehaviour inVANETs., , , and . IISA, page 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Enhanced CLWPR Protocol with Social Properties Exploiting Physical Proximity in VANETs., , , , and . IISA, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Performance evaluation of an Adaptive Route Change application using an integrated cooperative ITS simulation platform., , , and . IWCMC, page 377-382. IEEE, (2012)