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Normale Katastrophen. Die unvermeidbaren Risiken der Großtechnik. Campus, Frankfurt/M., (1987)Complex organizations. Random House, New York, 3. ed. edition, (1986)Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies. Basic Books, (1984)Disasters evermore?. Commun. ACM, 50 (7): 136 (2007)Normale Katastrophen: die unvermeidbaren Risiken der Großtechnik. Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, (1992)Normal accidents. Basic Books, New York, NY, (1984)Normale Katastrophen. Theorie und Gesellschaft Campus-Verl., Frankfurt a.M. u.a., (1988)Complex organizations. Scott, Foresman and Co., Glenview, Ill. u.a., 2. ed. edition, (1979)Organizational analysis. Behavioral science in industry series Brooks/Cole u.a., Monterey, Calif. u.a., (1970)