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A Bayesian Approach to Deriving Ages of Individual Field White Dwarfs, , and . The Astrophysical Journal, 775 (1): 1 (2013)Stratified Learning: a general-purpose statistical method for improved learning under Covariate Shift., , , and . CoRR, (2021)Pylira: deconvolution of images in the presence of Poisson noise., , , , , and . SciPy, page 98-104., (2022)On methods for correcting for the look-elsewhere effect in searches for new physics, , , and . Journal of Instrumentation, 11 (12): P12010 (Dec 15, 2016)Combining computer models to account for mass loss in stellar evolution., , , , , and . Stat. Anal. Data Min., 6 (1): 34-52 (2013)Using redundant parameterizations to fit hierarchical models, , , and . Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 17 (1): 95--122 (2008)Causal inference with Generalized Treatment Regimes: Generalizing the Propensity Score, and . Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99 (467): 854-866 (September 2004)Multiple imputation for incomplete data with semicontinuous variables, and . Journal of the American Statistical Association, (September 2003)A Bayesian analysis of the multinomial probit model using marginal data augmentation, and . Journal of Econometrics, 124 (2): 311--334 (February 2005)The one-step-late PXEM algorithm., and . Stat. Comput., 13 (2): 137-152 (2003)