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The laws of programming unify process calculi., and . Sci. Comput. Program., (2014)Generic Models of the Laws of Programming.. Theories of Programming and Formal Methods, volume 8051 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 213-226. Springer, (2013)Fine-grain concurrency.. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 22 (8): 912-934 (2010)Separation Logic Semantics for Communicating Processes., and . FICS, volume 212 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, page 3-25. Elsevier, (2008)Science and Engineering: A Collusion of Cultures.. DSN, page 2-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Fine-grain Concurrency.. CPA, volume 65 of Concurrent Systems Engineering Series, page 1-19. IOS Press, (2007)Why ever CSP?. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, (September 2006)Unification of theories: A challenge for computing science. (1996)Why ever CSP?. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, (September 2006)Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments Vision of a Grand Challenge Project, and . (2008)