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Adjusted R2-type measures for Tweedie models, и . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 52 (3): 1650--1660 (01.01.2008)Hardware Implementation Study of the Deficit Table Egress Link Scheduling Algorithm., , , и . ICPP, стр. 26-33. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Comparing the latency performance of the DTable and DRR schedulers., , и . IPDPS, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2007)Providing Quality of Service over Advanced Switching., , и . ICPADS (1), стр. 223-234. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Boosting single-thread performance in multi-core systems through fine-grain multi-threading., , , , , , , и . ISCA, стр. 474-483. ACM, (2009)Adjusted R2-type measures for Tweedie models., и . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52 (3): 1650-1660 (2008)Hardware implementation study of several new egress link scheduling algorithms., , , и . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 72 (8): 975-989 (2012)Effect of the normalization template in statistical parametric mapping of PET scans., , , , , и . ISBI, стр. 851-854. IEEE, (2002)Implementing the Advanced Switching Minimum Bandwidth Egress Link Scheduler., , и . NCA, стр. 118-125. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)A Statistical Approach to Traffic Management in Source Routed Loss-Less Networks., , и . HPCC, том 4208 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 190-199. Springer, (2006)